The comprehensive web analytics stats within your Website Control Panel can help you observe virtually all activities on your sites. You will get realtime info about the stress produced in your hosting account along with the traffic they receive on a per–hour, weekly and monthly basis. You will also find information about our platform as a whole including the physical IP address, the Operating System, the versions of PHP and MySQL and many others. All the information is classified in sections for you to find it.

Server Data

Have a look at info on your server

If you wish to check out what’s the current version of PHP or MySQL as well as the Operating System on the hosting server where your hosting account is positioned, simply go to the Server Information part of the Website Control Panel. There you will also get info about the running Perl modules, the incoming and outbound mailing servers, and the physical IP address of the hosting server.

You will find the web hosting server details table inside the Statistics portion of the HighTechs Market Website Control Panel.

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Access & Error Listing

Immediately find any website general performance issues

The Access and Error Logs report data concerning the server, consisting of details of server access in addition to the kinds of errors stumbled upon during server operation. You can get both types of information about the functionality of your web sites in the Online Statistics Manager part of the Website Control Panel.

The access log records each of the text files, image files, video files, etc. that individuals already have demanded to watch on your site, whilst the error log reports just about all warnings and errors the host has spotted since the log file is created.

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Traffic Stats

Observe your site customers in real time

Monitoring the site data of your web site is the simplest way to see how your marketing strategy works out. Via the Website Control Panel included Internet data applications – Webalizer and Awstats, you will see the amounts of viewers that come to your site, in addition to the amount of views they make and pages they load on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

To check the stats information, go to the Website Stats area of the Website Control Panel and open up the stats file for a particular website. It is not necessary to set up anything at all on your side. We activate the statistics as soon as your site comes online and begins attracting visits.

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CPU Statistics

Keep track of your web sites’ server load

The CPU reports built–in as part of your Website Control Panel will give you live info of the load that’s generated on your account by your scripts, database inquiries, etcetera. Hence, the more dynamic and complex your site is, the more web server allocations it will need to remain working efficiently.

The server load facts are supplied within an easily readable manner and gives you info about the web server load made daily, per month or per year. This accurate data can keep you informed about the web server power consumption at virtually any second and can help you to prevent your websites from getting offline due to web server overload (reached server power usage restrictions).

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